We do often sell out of items, but definitely not always. However, we may not have all of our products available all day. We carefully calculate how much of each items is purchased on a particular day of each week for the past year, consider how many orders have been placed in advance, along with any information regarding variables (big event in the next town over, weather, staff illnesses, holidays, etc.) and do our best to estimate how much we should make. We make adjustments if certain items consistently sell-out early, or are difficult to sell in any case. All of this planning happens a week in advance. Then again, we are primarily a community retail bakery, which means we never know who's going to show up each day. Hope you can understand this from our standpoint. We don't want to waste our products (or efforts and expensive ingredients), and we don't sell day-old products. Instead, we choose to limit our production to what we believe we can actually sell. Quality over profits, respect for food. We're not in this to get rich, just to make a living and feed our local community in the process.